Sunday, November 27, 2011

Wow - Tips And Tricks To Level Faster In World Of Warcraft

!: Wow - Tips And Tricks To Level Faster In World Of Warcraft

So you want to level you WoW character as fast as possible. There are some good leveling guides available on the net that will show you exactly what quests to do to level your character the fastest, but here are a few tips that will speed up your progression whether you are horde or alliance.

1. Always have the latest food/drink for your level. Upgrade your food/water as soon you you hit 15/25/35/45/55/65.

2. Don't worry about professions. The only really important profession is First Aid.

3. Use hearth stones throughout the game. If there is still a cooldown period, log out and wait for it. This will improve your played time.

4. Plan ahead. Always know what your net move will be.

5. Use auto-run a lot. You can still do others thing while running.

6. Use an alt for the bank/AH. Send everything to your alt using the mailbox.

7. Before questing, have plenty of food, water, ammo and fully repair your gear. That way you can last hours before returning to town.

8. Don't go back to town to empty your inventory. Destroy items to make room for more important ones.

9. Stick to one weapon type for the whole game. Leveling up a new weapons waste a lot of time.

10. Avoid grinding as much as possible. Questing is easier and less boring.

Use these tips to level your character faster. If you are serious about speed leveling, it would be advisable to get yourself a leveling guide to have a step by step guide to level as fast as possible.

Wow - Tips And Tricks To Level Faster In World Of Warcraft

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Power System Resonance

!: Power System Resonance

Hot vibes can result when harmonics and capacitors get together

Is it possible to install "Power Factor Correction Capacitors" and have PF get worse? It certainly is, and a starting place to understanding this puzzle lies in the distinction between Displacement PF (DPF) and Total Power Factor (PF). The penalty for not understanding the difference can be blown capacitors and wasted investment. Total PF and Displacement PF are the same in one basic sense: they are the ratio of Real Power to Apparent Power, or Watts to VA. DPF is the classic concept of power factor. It can be considered as the power factor at the fundamental frequency. Total Power Factor, abbreviated to Power Factor (PF), now includes the effects of fundamental and of harmonic currents (it is also referred to as True PF or Distortion PF). It follows that with the presence of harmonics, PF is always lower than DPF and is also a more accurate description of total system efficiency than DPF alone.

Strictly speaking, the term "Power Factor" refers to Total PF, but in practice can also be used to refer to DPF. Needless to say, this introduces some confusion into discussions of power factor. You have to be clear which one you're talking about.

Displacement Power Factor

Lower DPF is caused by motor loads which introduce the need for Reactive Power (Volt-Amp Reactive or VARs). The system has to have the capacity, measured in Volt-Amps (VA) to supply both VARs and Watts. The more VARs needed, the larger the VA requirement and the smaller the DPF. The cost of VARs is accounted for in a power factor penalty charge. Utilities often levy additional charges for DPF below a certain level; the actual number varies widely, but typical numbers are 0.90 to 0.95. To reduce VARs caused by motor loads, power factor correction capacitors are installed. Upstream system capacity, both in the plant and at the utility level, is released and available for other uses. Historically, this has been the gist of the PF story: a relatively well-known problem with a relatively straightforward solution.

Harmonics and Capacitors

Harmonics have had a dramatic impact on our approach to Power Factor correction.

The motor and capacitor loads described above are all linear and for all practical purposes generate no harmonics. Non-linear loads such as ASDS, on the other hand, do generate harmonic currents. Take a plant which is step-by-step putting adjustable speed drives on its motor loads. ASDs generate significant harmonic currents (5th and 7th on six-pulse converter drives). Suddenly the fuses on existing PF correction caps start blowing. Since these are three-phase caps, only one of the three fuses might blow. Now you've got unbalanced currents, possibly unbalanced voltages. The electrician replaces the fuses. They blow again. He puts in larger fuses. Now the fuses survive, but the capacitor blows. He replaces the capacitor. Same thing happens. What's going on? Harmonics are higher frequency currents. The higher the frequency, the lower the impedance of a cap. The cap acts like a sink for harmonic currents.

Power System Resonance

In a worst-case scenario, the inductive reactance of the transformer and the capacitive reactance of the PF correction cap form a parallel resonant circuit at a resonant frequency which is the same as or close to a harmonic frequency. The harmonic current generated by the load excites the circuit into oscillation. Currents then circulate within this circuit which are many times greater than the exciting current. This so-called "tank circuit" can severely damage equipment, and it will also cause a drop in power factor. Perversely, this resonant condition often appears only when the system is lightly loaded, because the damping effect of resistive loads is removed. In other words, we have what the audio buffs call a "high Q" circuit.

Imagine coming to work on a Monday and seeing the insulation on your cables melted off. How can this happen over a weekend when there was hardly any load on the system? Has Ohm's Law been overruled? Not quite. Your power system just spent the weekend tanked out on the Harmonics. It was quite a party, but now comes the clean-up.

Start with Harmonics Mitigation

The correct solution path starts with measuring and mitigating the harmonics generated by the drives. (One useful tool for measuring harmonics and capacitance is the Fluke 43B Power Quality Analyzer.) Harmonic trap filters would generally be called for. These trap filters are installed locally on the line side of the drive. Their effect is very much like the traditional PF correction cap, in two senses: they reduce DPF as well as PF, and also they localize the circulation of the problem harmonics (generally the 5th). Harmonics mitigation and traditional DPF correction should be addressed as one systems issue. In other words, manage Total PF, not just DPF.

Power System Resonance

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Monday, November 14, 2011

Dealing With Isolation

!: Dealing With Isolation

We as a human being have so many strange instincts as well are living with people but still feeling alone, or working in an office but still feel like no on is there to listen to you and so on. The sense of isolation is more prominent in Western societies as these people have confined themselves in their shells, and no one bother to show any interest in talking with neighbors or of least concerned about what is going on the street or neighborhood or even in your own home. These feelings of loneliness and isolation is not usual, there are various factors which cause people to behave like this. Let us discuss some of them:

Economic Migration

You have often observed that people living in villages and small towns are well aware of their neighbors, families live alongside each other and people knew everyone living in that particular community. This thing is not common in large cities, where people don't even know who is living next door. People in countryside do have their own stresses and stains, but they have someone to work with and look out for each other.

Economic Independence

This can irritably be another isolating factor. This is very common in women as in past few years; the women have become so independent. Depression is just not cause by living alone, but living in stressed conditions and low mood triggers it substantially.

Divorce or Separation

This really has a drastic impact on children. It becomes difficult for children to adjust in step families. Children in this case are more prone to depression and eventually isolation.


When children grow up, they feel that they are now independent to make their decision and feel little insecure in living with parents so they leave them just for the sake of their independence.

Spiritual Isolation is on the Increase

Spiritual isolation is aroused due to lack of faith as we are living in materialistic world with secular beliefs. It is estimated that only 3 percent of Britons attend church regularly. Materialistic approach towards leads us to nowhere and for us there is no purpose of life except to have material comforts. Spiritually disguised person usually feels so alone as he doesn't have anyone to help him getting out of this state.

The best way to cope with your isolation is self-belief and self-motivation. Whenever you feel down and isolated, think that there are so many other people in this world who feel the same way. There are so many ways to lessen your loneliness; you can use them to get out of your depressed and isolated condition. Visit your friends; try to have fun with them.

Try to keep yourself busy in some activity. Internet is almost available in every home nowadays, it is better to chat or talk to people online to lessen your isolation and have good time talking with different people. You can also join any coaching class, such as dance, art, gardening, writing, exercise and cooking classes. Joining these classes will let you mingle with different people and this gradually makes a bond, which help to decrease your isolation.

Dealing With Isolation

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Power Bright VC1500W Voltage Transformer 1500 Watt Step Up/Down 110 Volt - 220 Volt

!: expert reviews Power Bright VC1500W Voltage Transformer 1500 Watt Step Up/Down 110 Volt - 220 Volt Order Now

Brand : Power Bright
Rate :
Price : $74.39
Post Date : Nov 09, 2011 10:57:28
Usually ships in 24 hours

This is a voltage converter or transformer that can be used as a step up transformer in 110/120 volt countries or as a step down transformer in 220/230/240 volt countries. This heavy duty voltage transformer can be used for continuous duty. It will convert voltages of 220-240 volts to 110-120 and will also convert voltages from 110-120 to 220-240 volts.

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Monday, November 7, 2011

Travel Smart With Voltage Converters, Transformers, and Multisystems

!: Travel Smart With Voltage Converters, Transformers, and Multisystems

Today's global road warriors and international travelers need to stay plugged in more than ever-and thus a lightweight voltage converter is an absolute must. Depending on your travel accessories and destinations, you may need a transformer, adaptor plugs, and more. Furthermore, if you are thinking of picking up electronics in your travels, you might be surprised at how easy it can be to get them to work back home-if you are a smart shopper.

Let's take a look at how to figure out what you need to be a smart global traveler and consumer these days when it comes to power-the electric kind!

First a little background. Whereas most countries operate on 220-volt (and even 240) electric current, the United States and Canadian systems function with 110-volt electric current. This means that in order to use North American appliances abroad you'll need a voltage transformer or voltage converter in order to "step up" the voltage. For those traveling TO North America, a "step down" transformer or converter is needed to adapt from 220 volts to 110. For use anywhere around the globe, consider a voltage regulator converter that can Step Up or Step Down.

Which One: Converter or Transformer?

Transformers and converters both change 110 volts to 220 or the reverse so that your equipment works. Converters however are designed to work just with electric appliances (e.g., hot pots, curling irons). Transformers are used for electronic devices, e.g., those with a chip or circuit, e.g., camcorder recharges, and radios, as well as electric appliances. So when in doubt, use a transformer. Very lightweight ones make it simple to travel easily and still use your equipment.

In addition to the transformer, you will almost surely need plug adapters too since the shape of plug outlets varies, generally from continent to content. For example, in Buenos Aires, you would need a "V" shape plug adapter and a converter to recharge your shaver.

What about Your Cell Phone and Laptop?

The good news is that not all electrical devices need converters. Check any devices or appliances that you plan to take. Some, e.g., hair dryers and curling irons, may have a switch or dial to change from 110 to 220. If so, be sure to change it as soon as you arrive and again upon your return to the appropriate voltage.

More common are devices that automatically change voltage, most notably cell phones and laptops and other devices that come with an AC adaptor. Check the label of the AC adaptor, and if it says "100-240V AC 50/60AC," then it is safe to use in either system. However you are likely to need a plug adaptor, as noted above.

What about Electronic Purchases Abroad?

For reasons of economy, convenience, or availability, there are times when you may wish to purchase items in one electrical voltage system for permanent use in another. Check first to make sure that the cost of adapting the device to your permanent use location does not turn out to eat a hole in your wallet.

For example, what if you find a good price on a Nintendo Wii in the US, where it comes outfitted for US with 110-voltage, but want to use it in India or Chile? For about you can buy a new AC cable that works with 220 volts, and so the savings may still be significant.

For luxury items such as HC LD televisions, you can shop for ones that come ready for the global market by looking for the feature "multisystem." Sharp, for example, has several plasma models that do not require any kind of voltage converter box.

Travel Smart With Voltage Converters, Transformers, and Multisystems

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Thursday, November 3, 2011

LED TV - What to Look For When Buying

!: LED TV - What to Look For When Buying

LED TVs are already the fastest growing technology in the flat screen market and 2010 is set to be the year for huge competition to begin, as manufacturers such as Samsung, Sharp, Sony, Toshiba and LG announce their sales predictions. Samsung expected 2009 to see sales of around 2 million LED TVs, but beat this figure with sales of 2.6m, and for this year they expect sales to jump to a staggering 10 million. Samsung currently own the majority of the market with 68.3% market share with Sharp in second place with 27.9%. However, other leading brands have realised the potential sales for the coming years and are continuing to launch competitive technology and prices. By 2013, it is expected that over 156 million LED TV units will have been sold.

LED TVs have caused some confusion since their introduction, and Samsung, for example, have been asked to resubmit their marketing terms to explain that the LED TVs they are advertising are not purely LED but are LCD TVs with LED technology. This technically means that LED LCD TVs are LCD TVs with LED lighting technology, which can either be backlit or edgelit. Backlit LED LCD TVs have a panel of LEDs behind the LCD screen which creates more or less light to enhance the image displayed. Edgelit TVs have LED lights surrounding the edge which points light to the necessary areas and also allows for the body to be slimline.

LED TVs can be up to a third slimmer than normal flat screens TVs, due to the size of the LEDs lighting compared to the CCFL (Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamps) used in LCD TVs. LED televisions also create more vivid images with improved contrast and colour spectrum. Viewing angles are improved upon too, and now rival those of a Plasma TVs. Although these factors are very important for the overall performance of the LED LCD TV, one of the main selling points is the reduction in energy consumption. Edge lit LED LCD TVs use 40% less power than an LCD TV as the mercury-free LEDs that are used require less energy to be lit. Most manufacturers are also including power saving and environmentally friendly features too, so your carbon footprint and energy bills can be reduced. The effect on power consumption can be quite dramatic in comparison to Plasma and other LCD TVs. Ambient light sensors used on LG TVs, for example, also reduce power by sensing the light in the room and adjusting the TVs brightness accordingly.

LED TV - What to Look For When Buying

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